Using TRUNC()

This is an excerpt from our Excel CPE course – Must Know Excel tips Tricks and Tools for CPAs. TRUNC() No Decimals If you don’t want the pennies in your calculation you can use =TRUNC(), short for TRUNCATE, or =INT(), short for INTEGER,  to turn your data into...


I am in the process of updating my Pivot Table course and decided that I take another look at  the GetPivotData function. GET PIVOT DATA is an Excel function that pulls data from your pivot table. I personally don’t use it  because if you hide a field you referenced...


The AGGREGATE Function The AGGREGATE function is a very powerful function for summarizing an array of data. It combines 19 different ways to summarize data into one function! While it is a powerful function, my favorite reason for using AGGREGATE is its ability to SUM...

Ways to Sum Data with Errors

Excel Techniques to Sum Data with Errors There are times that you need to know the sum of numeric data even though there may be errors in it.  The most common of these error values are #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #N/A and #VALUE!.  #DIV/0! refers to a situation where Excel is...