is registered with NASBA, National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, as a QAS CPE Provider. The National Registry of CPE Sponsors is a program offered by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) to recognize CPE program sponsors who provide continuing professional education (CPE) programs in accordance with nationally recognized standards for continuing education. is also an approved IRS CE provider.
NASBA and QAS Sponsor Information
Surgent CFO Resources LLC dba is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual course for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
NASBA Registry Sponsor ID is #109234.
QAS Provider ID; #109234.
Approved delivery methods are Group-Internet Based & QAS Self-study.
State Board of Accountancy Information
We are accepted in all 50 states. We have been approved to offer self-study continuing professional education courses and webinars to certified public accountants (CPAs) for CPE credit by NASBA. All 50 states recognize NASBA’s QAS program which means our CPE courses are accepted in all 50 states. There are a few states such as Florida, Hawaii, Ohio, Texas and New York that require CPE providers to also register with them for all CPE. In addition, some states have specific ethics requirements that CPE providers must meet.
- We are registered with the following State Boards of Accountancy as they require that sponsors register with them:
California, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming. - These registrations do not constitute an endorsement by the State Boards of Accountancy as to the quality of our CPE programs. State CPE requirements can vary; therefore, you should always check with your State Board. Your State Board is the final authority on any program even when formal sponsorship has been given. Below is information on specific state sponsorships.
- Florida, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oregon, Tennessee and South Carolina require that CPE courses be taken from a QAS provider. Our QAS provider number is #109234. Our courses are accepted in those states.
Information About our IRS Accreditation
We are an approved IRS provider of continuing education for Enrolled Agents (EAs) and Other Tax Return Preparers (OTRP) in all states. Our provider number is UPXRZ.
Here is a link to the IRS approved CE provider list. The easiest way to find us is to sort by State and then scroll down to Indiana and look for
Information for Enrolled Agents Earning Continuing Education (CE)
Enrolled Agents are required to take 72 hours of CPE every 3 years. They are required to take a minimum of 16 hours every year and this includes the 2 hour Ethics requirement.
Eligible courses to meet your CPE requirements:
–Federal Taxation
–Federal tax law updates
–Ethics – relating to Circular 230
To receive credit for a course, you need to provider your PTIN when purchasing a course.
If you forget to do that, please contact us so that we can make sure we have your PTIN number; otherwise, the IRS system will not allow us to submit your courses for credit.
If you have any questions, please email
Looking for information on the Annual Filing Season Program (AFSP) for tax preparers? We recommend the Surgent CPE AFSP Packages.