Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Governmental Accounting Overview.. 1

Sources of Governmental Accounting Standards. 1

Information Sources. 1

Application of Governmental Accounting Standards. 2

Legal Provisions. 2

Goals of a Governmental Accounting System.. 3

Fund Accounting Systems. 3

Types of Assets. 4

Types of Liabilities. 4

Budget Issues. 5

Financial Reports. 5

Chapter 2 - Fund Accounting. 8

Fund Accounting Overview.. 8

Definition of a Fund. 8

Governmental Funds. 8

Proprietary Funds. 10

Fiduciary Funds. 12

Fund Contents. 13

Interfund Loans. 13

Evaluation Periods. 13

Special Questions Related to Funds. 14

Chapter 3 - Basis of Accounting and Measurement Focus. 16

Basis of Accounting. 16

Cash Basis. 16

Accrual Basis. 16

Modified Accrual Basis in Governmental Fund Statements. 17

Revenue Recognition. 17

Expenditure Recognition. 17

Inventory Items. 18

Insurance Items. 18

Encumbrances. 18

Claims, Judgments, and Compensated Absences. 18

Measurement Focus. 19

Accrual Basis Reporting in Government-Wide Financial Statements. 20

Accrual Basis in Proprietary Fund Statements. 21

Revenue Recognition When Right of Return Exists. 21

Disclosures. 21

Chapter 4 - Reporting Capital Assets. 24

Valuation of Capital Assets. 24

Capitalization Thresholds. 25

Networks and Subsystems. 26

Capitalization of Interest Costs. 26

Capitalization Rate. 27

Capitalization Period. 27

Impact of Tax-Exempt Borrowings. 27

When to Capitalize Expenditures. 27

Depreciation of Capital Assets. 28

Depreciation Methods. 28

Useful Life. 28

Composite Depreciation. 29

Straight-Line Depreciation. 30

Sum-of-the-Years Digits Method. 31

Double Declining Balance Method. 32

Units of Production Method. 33

Modified Approach. 33

Intangible Assets. 35

Works of Art and Historical Treasures. 37

Asset Transfers. 37

Impairment of Capital Assets. 37

Impairment Losses under the Modified Approach. 42

Capital Asset Disposal 42

Infrastructure Asset Recordkeeping. 42

Reporting of Capital Assets. 42

Disclosure of Capital Assets. 43

General Disclosures. 43

Disclosure of General Capital Assets. 43

Disclosure of Capital Assets of Proprietary Funds. 44

Disclosure of Capital Assets of Fiduciary Funds. 44

Disclosure of Depreciation. 44

Disclosure of Accumulated Depreciation. 46

Disclosure of Capitalized Interest 46

Disclosure of Assets Not Being Depreciated. 46

Disclosure of Impairment 46

Chapter 5 - Reporting Liabilities. 49

Reporting Long-Term Liabilities. 49

Current Liabilities. 50

Short-Term Obligations. 50

Modified Accrual Recognition of Liabilities and Expenditures. 51

Debt Service Funds. 53

Contingent Liabilities. 53

Additional Liability Reporting Topics. 53

Disclosure of Liabilities. 53

Chapter 6 - The Budget and Budgetary Accounting. 56

Budgetary Period. 56

Budget Types. 56

Budgetary Control 57

Encumbrances. 57

Chapter 7 - Common Accounting Transactions. 60

Capital Asset Transactions. 60

Asset Purchase Transaction. 60

Depreciation Transaction. 61

Asset Sale Transaction. 61

Debt Transactions. 62

Initial Debt Transaction. 62

Debt Payments. 62

Interest Accrual 63

Debt Service Fund Transactions. 63

Encumbrance Transactions. 64

Interfund Transactions. 65

Inventory Usage. 65

Reimbursement Transactions. 66

Chapter 8 - Classification and Terminology. 69

Interfund Activity. 69

Reporting of Internal Activities and Balances. 70

Reporting of Internal Service Fund Balances. 70

Classifications within the Statement of Net Position. 70

Current Assets. 71

Allowances. 71

Current Liabilities. 71

Classifications within Governmental Fund Financial Statements. 72

Other Long-Term Debt Transactions. 72

Capital Asset Sales. 72

Revenues. 72

Expenditures. 73

Classifications within the Government-Wide Statement of Activities. 73

General 73

Expenses. 74

Revenues. 74

Special and Extraordinary Items. 75

Right of Offset 76

Reporting Net Position. 76

Governmental Fund Reporting. 77

Disclosures. 79

Chapter 9 - The Financial Reporting Entity. 82

Accountability. 82

The Financial Reporting Entity. 82

Primary Governments. 83

Component Units. 84

Chapter 10 - Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 89

Components of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 89

Introduction to the CAFR.. 90

Managements Discussion and Analysis. 90

Basic Financial Statements  Government-Wide. 92

Statement of Net Position. 92

Statement of Activities. 94

Expenses. 95

Revenues. 96

Special and Extraordinary Items. 97

Basic Financial Statements  Fund Financial Statements. 99

Major Funds. 99

Reconciliation to Government-Wide Statements. 99

Required Financial Statements  Governmental Funds. 100

Balance Sheet 100

Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances. 100

Required Financial Statements  Proprietary Funds. 101

Statement of Net Position. 101

Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Position. 102

Statement of Cash Flows. 103

Other Topics. 103

Required Financial Statements  Fiduciary Funds. 103

Statement of Fiduciary Net Position. 103

Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position. 103

Comparative Financial Statements. 103

Required Supplementary Information. 104

Combining Statements and Individual Fund Statements and Schedules. 104

Statistical Tables. 105

Major Component Unit Information. 105

Account Classification Rules. 106

Disclosures. 106

Sample Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 107

Managements Discussion and Analysis. 107

Overview of the Financial Statements. 107

Government-Wide Financial Statement Analysis. 109

Fund Financial Statement Analysis. 111

Economic Factors and Next Years Budget 112

Basic Financial Statements. 112

Statement of Net Position. 112

Statement of Activities. 114

Governmental Fund Financial Statements. 116

Proprietary Fund Financial Statements. 120

Combining Statements. 123

Chapter 11 - Additional Financial Reporting Considerations. 127

Related Party Transactions. 127

Subsequent Events. 128

Going Concern Considerations. 129

Prior Period Adjustments. 130

Accounting Changes and Error Corrections. 130

Change in Accounting Principle. 130

Change in Accounting Estimate. 131

Change in Reporting Entity. 131

Chapter 12 - Notes to Financial Statements. 133

Notes Overview.. 133

Significant Accounting Policies. 133

Additional Disclosures. 134

Disclosure Sequence. 137

Notes Minimization. 138

Sample Disclosure of Accounting Policies. 138

Sample Disclosure of Assets and Liabilities. 142

Sample Disclosure of Contingencies. 146

Sample Disclosure of Risk Management 146

Sample Disclosure of Subsequent Events. 147

Chapter 13 - Budgetary Reporting. 149

Overview of Budgetary Reporting. 149

Additional Reporting. 150

Sample Budgetary Comparison Reports. 150

Budgetary Control 153

Chapter 14 - Cash Flows Statements. 156

Reporting Requirements. 156

Report Contents. 156

Cash and Cash Equivalents. 156

Gross and Net Cash Flows. 157

Negative Cash Balances. 157

When Cash Flow Occurs. 157

Cash Flows from Operating Activities. 157

Cash Flows from Noncapital Financing Activities. 158

Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing Activities. 159

Cash Flows from Investing Activities. 160

Specific Cash Flow Classifications. 160

Information about Noncash Activities. 161

Sample Statement of Cash Flows. 162

Chapter 15 - Segment Information. 166

Segment Reporting. 166

Sample Segment Reporting. 167

Chapter 16 - Reporting Entity and Component Unit 171

The Financial Reporting Entity Defined. 171

The Component Unit Defined. 171

Major Component Unit Information. 172

Blending Component Units. 173

Equity Interests in Component Units. 175

Intra-Entity Transactions. 175

Reporting Periods. 176

Note Disclosures. 176

Presentation Issues. 176

Chapter 17 - Statistical Section. 179

Overview of the Statistical Section. 179

General Content 179

Focus of the Data. 180

Limitations. 180

Financial Trends Information. 180

Net Position. 180

Changes in Net Position. 181

Revenue Capacity Information. 186

Revenue Base Information. 186

Revenue Rates Information. 187

Principal Revenue Payers Information. 189

Property Tax Levies and Collections. 190

Debt Capacity Information. 191

Ratios of Outstanding Debt 191

Direct and Overlapping Debt 193

Debt Limitations. 195

Pledged-Revenue Coverage. 196

Additional Debt Reporting Topics. 196

Demographic and Economic Information. 197

Demographic and Economic Indicators. 197

Principal Employers. 197

Operating Information. 199

Government Employees. 199

Operating Indicators. 199

Capital Assets. 200

Sources, Assumptions, and Methodologies. 201

Chapter 18 - Fair Value Measurement 204

Fair Value Definition. 204

Fair Value Principles. 204

Characteristics of the Asset or Liability. 204

Markets. 204

Transaction Costs. 205

Bid-Ask Spread. 205

Valuation Techniques. 205

Market Approach. 205

Cost Approach. 206

Income Approach. 206

Fair Value Hierarchy. 206

Level 1 Inputs. 206

Level 2 Inputs. 207

Level 3 Inputs. 207

Measurement Principles. 207

Disclosures. 208

Chapter 19 - Claims Accounting. 211

Risk Transfers. 211

Claim Recognition. 211

Discounting. 212

Annuity Contracts. 212

Risk Financing Activities in an Internal Service Fund. 212

Participation in Public Entity Risk Pools. 212

Insurance Transactions. 213

Claims-Made Policies. 213

Retrospectively-Rated Policies. 213

Policyholder Dividends. 213

Contractual Actions. 213

Contingencies. 214

Presentation Issues. 214

Disclosures. 214

Chapter 20 - Landfill Closure and Postclosure Costs. 218

Operating Methods. 218

Estimated Total Current Cost of MSWLF Closure and Postclosure Care. 218

Reevaluations. 219

Proprietary Fund Reporting. 219

Governmental Fund Reporting. 221

Government-Wide Financial Statement Reporting. 221

Changes in Estimates. 221

Assets Placed in Trust 221

Responsibility Assumed by a Different Entity. 221

Disclosures. 222

Chapter 21 - Leases. 224

Lease Term.. 224

Lessee Lease Accounting. 224

Lease Asset 225

Lessor Lease Accounting. 226

Initial Direct Costs. 226

Lease Receivable. 226

Deferred Inflow of Resources. 226

Accounting for Short-Term Leases. 227

Contracts that Transfer Ownership. 227

Additional Leasing Topics. 227

Presentation. 228

Disclosures. 228

Lessee Disclosures. 228

Lessor Disclosures. 229

Chapter 22 - Nonexchange Transactions. 231

Overview of Nonexchange Transactions. 231

Accounting for Nonexchange Transactions. 233

Requirements and Restrictions. 233

Reimbursements. 233

Derived Tax Revenues. 233

Imposed Nonexchange Revenues. 233

Government-Mandated and Voluntary Nonexchange Transactions. 234

Donations of Capital Assets. 235

Subsequent Breaching of Eligibility Requirements. 235

Nonexchange Revenues Administered by another Government 235

Revenue Recognition in Governmental Fund Statements. 236

Pass-Through Grants. 236

On-Behalf Payments. 236

Disclosures. 237

Answers to Chapter Questions. 239

Glossary. 263

Index. 268


Final Examination.....................................................................................................................................................273