
Learning Objectives. 5

Course Introduction. 6

The Basics – One Criterion. 7

IF Function. 8

Boolean Logic. 10

SUMPRODUCT Function. 11

SUMIFS Function. 13

Two Criteria. 15

IF Function combined with AND Function. 15

Nested IF Functions. 17

Boolean Logic. 19

SUMPRODUCT Function. 21

SUMIFS Function. 23

Using the OR Function. 24

Boolean Logic and SUMPRODUCT. 24

Using the OR Function with the IF Function. 26

Using Nested IF Functions to Mimic the OR Function. 27


Using the NOT Function. 31

Boolean Logic and SUMPRODUCT. 31

Using the NOT Function with the IF Function. 33


Three Criteria. 36

Three AND Criteria. 36

IF Function. 36

Nested IF Function. 37

Boolean Logic and SUMPRODUCT. 38

Skipping a Step Using Boolean TRUE and FALSE. 40

SUMIFS Function. 41

Two AND and One OR Criteria. 42

Boolean Logic and SUMPRODUCT and SUMIFS. 42

IF Function. 45

Nested IF Functions. 46

Two OR and One AND Criteria. 47

Boolean Logic and SUMPRODUCT and SUMIFS. 48

IF Function. 51

Nested IF Functions. 52

Case Studies. 54

Case Study 1. 54

Boolean Logic and SUMPRODUCT and SUMIFS. 54

Boolean Logic with Multiplication. 56

IF Function. 57

Nested IF Functions. 58

Case Study 2. 58

Boolean Logic and SUMPRODUCT and SUMIFS. 59

Boolean Logic with Multiplication. 61

IF Function. 62

Nested IF Functions. 63

Conclusion. 64

Review Questions. 65

Glossary. 66

Index. 67

Exam Questions. 68

Answers to Review Questions. 70