I have a Fixed Decimal Place tip, in my Must Know Excel Tips Tricks and Tools for the CPA Ebook.  Eric Robinson read my tip and sent me his own tip on fixed decimal places.
If you are unfamiliar with the Fixed Decimal feature in Excel, it is pretty cool.
 If you need to enter columns of numbers, with a fixed number of decimals, into a worksheet, you can have Excel enter the decimals for you, using the fixed decimal feature. So, if you set the decimal point to 2 and then type 12345, Excel will display 123.45. It is very easy to use but you do have to turn it on and off so Eric’s macro tip is very handy.
I have a link below if you wish to read more about the feature.
Eric’s macro allows you to switch back and forth between no decimal place and  decimal places. Switching back and forth can be tedious if you are, for example, entering a long column of check numbers (no decimal) and check amounts (2 decimal places).  I have shared his macro instructions below. Thanks so much  Eric.

Sub ToggleAutoDecimal()
‘ ToggleAutoDecimal Macro
‘ Macro recorded by Eric Robinson to handle fixed decimal places
    Application.FixedDecimal = Not (Application.FixedDecimal)


End Sub

Here is a link to the instructions on how to use fixed decimals on my Excel-diva blog.

fixed decimal place